10 alternatives to sending a press release
Choosing the right medium for your message requires understanding the content and your audience. Consider these possibilities.
More than a few PR people want to declare the press release dead; however, as long as reporters continue to ask for releases—and sometimes run them verbatim—the press release is alive and well.
That said, a media release isn’t the perfect tool for every situation. Sometimes, other modes of communication are more effective. As PR people, it’s our job to counsel companies on which tool(s) can deliver the right message to the right audience.
With that in mind, here are 10 alternatives to the traditional press release:
1. Social media release. A SMR is the 2.0 version of the traditional press release, featuring links, video, photos, and social media integration. I use Pitchengine to create effective social media releases. This can be an especially helpful tool if you have news that matters to the general public. The social sharing that’s built into Pitchengine releases helps news spread far and wide.
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