10 essentials of Twitter etiquette
Here are the dos and don’ts for using the popular microblog—although it’ll take more than 140 characters to explain.

So here are 10 Twitter etiquette rules:
Always add value. This can’t be stressed enough. Everything you tweet should add value to your followers’ day. This rule applies especially to brands, but you should follow it in your personal tweets as well. We’ve come so far from the days when everyone made the joke that Twitter was just a collection of what people ate for breakfast. Don’t drag the platform back to those days—unless what you had for breakfast was truly remarkable, in which case there had better be a pic!
#Dont #Overuse #Hashtags #In #Your #Tweets #It #Looks #Ridiculous #Stick #To #Three #Or #Fewer #TwitterEtiquette Need we say more? No? Good, ‘cuz we’re out of space.
A follow-back is nice, but it’s not required. It’s not a bad idea to follow influential users and people who frequently retweet or comment on your post, but don’t feel that you have to follow everyone who follows you.
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