10 things PR pros do right
It’s popular to point out what industry professionals do poorly. How about trying the opposite approach?
Here are 10 things you’re doing right as a PR pro.
1. Social media. When the social media train rolled by, you grabbed a ticket. While others saw it as a silly trend, you knew that soon talking to customers and clients on Facebook and Twitter would be the norm—and you were right!
2. Making friends. Instead of just seeing everyone as a potential client, you’re actually treating people like they’re human beings. This includes speaking to them and actually making friends instead of just customer contacts.
3. Have clear goals. You were never one for wandering around in the dark. You prefer to set a clear path for your PR campaign and stick to it. Every time you accomplish a step, it’s no surprise, because you carefully planned it out.
4. You roll with the punches. When things go awry, you don’t freak out. You simply roll with the punches and figure something out. Having a clear head and an ability to think on your feet will give you a head start when you need to fix your campaign.
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