11 words and phrases everyone should stop using
Whether they imply something that probably isn’t the speaker’s intent, are overused, or are simply offensive, these terms are all highly problematic.

We all have words and phrases that hit our ears like chalk on a chalkboard (or Kardashians on a TV screen). Here are 11 of the words and phrases that make me want to let out a small yelp every time I see or hear them.
1. Touch points: This piece of PR jargon makes me cringe more than any other. “Touch points” make me think of something dirty, sleazy, or outright illegal. Please don’t touch me on my touch points. Just reach me through numerous channels.
2. Retarded: According to Google’s word usage chart (below), the word “retarded” has been going out of favor since the late 1970s. But as you can see, the word is still used more than it should be. This is especially grating in its common “you’re so retarded” usage, often referring to a friend who did something dumb. How about just using “you’re so dumb” instead? Better still: “That was a dumb thing to do.”
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