13 communication tips to help survive Thanksgiving
You’ll be talking to loved ones this Thursday instead of communicating with the public. That calls for a drink—and some advice.

It might be easier to go to work.
Here are 13 quick communication tips to help make your day festive and enjoyable. Bookmark this post, as it will come in handy for the entire holiday season!
1. Forget previous holidays, discussions, disagreements, and conversations. Go in with a clean slate and an open mind that you will have a fabulous and relaxing day.
2. Have a drink. I didn’t say get drunk, because things could turn ugly. One drink can help you relax and take the edge off.
3. Remember, not every comment or statement requires an answer. Silence and a smile can be very powerful. In other words, bite your tongue.
4. Use the phrase, “Isn’t that interesting?” If Uncle Grouch starts in at the table with off-color remarks, recite these three magical words. “Isn’t that interesting?” neutralizes virtually every situation. This phrase leads to a verbal dead-end. Then smile politely.
5. Mingle with the kids. This can bring levity to the day.
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