16 ways to grab readers for your blog (and keep them!)
Take advantage of your blog’s most important real estate: ‘Above the fold.’
Location matters for blogs the way it matters for real estate. Your blog’s most valuable real estate is the space “above the fold,” a term borrowed from print newspapers in describing the top half of a broadsheet. It’s what appears to potential buyers at a newsstand. (Remember those?)
Must-have elements
1. Branding. Include content and visual elements such as color and typeface. The goal is to identify your blog.
2. Navigation. This can be horizontal (across) or vertical (down). Give readers an idea of what’s available on your blog or other aspects of your offering. This is particularly useful if your blog is integrated with your company website.
3. Onsite search. This can be incorporated into your navigation. This is a crucial element to help readers quickly find the information they want. Make sure that it stands out and is easily identified. You don’t want readers to leave your blog for a search engine to find other information—because they might not return.
4. Contact information. How can readers and visitors contact you? Offer them a variety of options, including your phone number, e-mail address and social media links.
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