3 cardinal sins of social media writing
It’s an emerging art form—maybe even a science—but these fundamental errors can deflate your message. Learn to identify them so you and your team don’t make them.
As a specialty, social media writing is just coming into its own. Social media writing is a bit of a hybrid—part copywriting, part communication tool—so the rules aren’t hard and fast. Social media writing isn’t an exact science, but there are some clear guidelines for what to avoid.
Developing an approach that avoids these mistakes and gets your message across is something that an outsourced social media writing team can help you with. Whether you’re outsourcing social updates, blog posts, or a combination of the two , here’s what to avoid:
Cardinal sin No. 1: Doing too much sharing OR selling.
There’s got to be a balance. When I wrote the first draft of this post, this point was “selling instead of sharing.” However, the more I thought it out I realized that for business social media, selling is an important goal. There’s just a better way to go about it than many companies realize. You need to share content from other sources, build value for your followers, and get involved in the conversation. But you also can’t forget about the reason you’re there—the selling.
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