3 keys to changing an organization’s culture
Adjusting the way your organization’s employees think and operate isn’t easy, but this advice can help you eliminate some of the biggest potential roadblocks.
Culture is an essential yet elusive element of a productive workforce.
Culture influences everything—how an organization recovers from failures, thrives in times of success, and identifies and solves business problems. It’s a guiding force for employee behavior and shaping mindsets, attitude and effort.
Deliotte recently reported that culture and engagement are the most important issues that organizations face.
Because culture is intangible, Deloitte also noted that 87 percent of organizations view culture and engagement among their top challenges.
These challenges have financially damaging effects. A study that SAP recently completed with Oxford Economics shows that not prioritizing workforce issues (including culture) directly correlates with lower financial performance.
Who spearheads change?
How do you change an intangible thing, and who leads the charge?
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