4 keys to imbuing your employees with purpose
A clearly articulated mission will inspire collaboration and spark new ideas. Here are the fundamentals of conveying that vision to your staff.
You might see it as an uncertain topic, and though difficult to quantify, purpose is at the heart and soul of great endeavors. If you seek it, meaning will come alive in your work.
It’s not just on you, though; concerted purpose requires people at all levels of an organization to work toward the same goal.
People want to find purpose and meaning at work and in everyday life. The trick is in getting to that point. What benefits are at the end of the purpose-driven journey for your business and for your employees?
Here are four crucial elements in cultivating common purpose:
1. Communication. Communicating the purpose of your organization isn’t easy. You can’t simply send out a memo restating the mission or vision statements and expect everyone to align themselves with it. If it’s difficult for you to pin down, how much harder might it be for employees who don’t have a strong connection already? Begin with clear communication. Employees must understand what they are supposed to do. There is an adage in writing: “Show, don’t tell.” By making business decisions in line with the company purpose, you show employees that the company aligns words with actions.
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