4 ways to sync up with remote colleagues
To keep virtual workers upbeat and on task, assign someone to monitor their work, use collaborative resources, create accountability and invest in them.
When you fail to sync your remote employees with your company culture and in-house staff, it’s easy for insecurity and apathy to creep in. This can snowball into lack of motivation, low productivity and disengagement.
Here are four ways to make remote employees feel connected, in sync, appreciated and valued:
1. Understand their problems, and act on their behalf every day.
Remote colleagues might be hesitant to raise concerns or interrupt your schedule.
A lack of physical presence amplifies the situation. It’s more difficult to assess a problem without visual clues, physical proximity or body language.
To keep tabs on your colleagues and become more responsive to their needs, consider designating a “remote employee communication manager.”
This person can make daily check-ins with remote colleagues, including asking about the challenges they face, how the company can address particular issues and what they need to make their jobs easier.
This can greatly increase coordination, collaboration, teamwork and morale.
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