5 intangibles you need for creating content online
A narrow mind and long, tender toes will spell doom for your efforts to engage an audience or community, regardless of whether you’re doing so for fun or profit or both.

That’s why we’ve shifted from just talking about blogging or social media to engaging in content marketing.
Whenever you post something online, you’re creating content. Every little tweet or status update is a piece of content; content that is meant to be consumed by those who follow or friend us. After all, that’s why we create content, right? To be read. By someone.
Sometimes we have a specific audience in mind; other times we really just want to voice our thoughts and opinions to whoever is out there. Though admittedly, we sometimes “speak” and create content before we think, not fully understanding who is out there reading. Sometimes we target the wrong audience or create content that isn’t what our audience wants or needs.
If we’re going to create content online—and we all are doing it in some way—there are a few things we should have:
1. Thick skin
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