5 tools to help PR pros measure storytelling efforts
Find out how well your content is boosting your other efforts with these services that range from free to rather pricy.

PR pros have embraced storytelling more than ever before.
Though media relations and other PR strategies have always contained elements of storytelling, the rise of content marketing and brand journalism means communicators must craft tales that their audiences want to read if they want to stay relevant and gain public favor.
However, like many traditional PR strategies, measuring the impact and success of storytelling campaigns can seem an insurmountable task.
Use these five measurement tools to help prove your worth to executives and clients:
PR pros often use storytelling as a way to get reporters to pick up their content—or bypass news outlets altogether in favor or brand journalism.
Whether you pitch your stories to journalists or publish it yourself on your organization’s website and social media profiles, it’s still a worthy goal to have reporters share your content online.
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