5 ways to make reporters care about your press release
Ask yourself these questions before wasting any reporters’ time. They’ll thank you.

There is a question every company needs to ask before issuing a press release or a pitch: “Why should I care?” Or more accurately, “Why should readers/viewers care?”
Because members of the media receive countless news items, they will likely turn a deaf ear to your pitch—and possibly future ones as well—if you send “news” that is not really news, or offers no value to the reader.
Before you send out that next pitch I encourage you to think about this alternate set of who, what, when, where and why questions:
1. Who cares? Who does my news impact? This should be apparent in your news item, and it should be a major consideration in your choice of media outlets to pitch. If your news is only relevant to chief information officers at widget companies, then the business editor at The Wall Street Journal is probably not interested—nor are the majority of his readers.
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