6 ways to check your ‘like’ integrity
Do you like everything your clients post on Facebook because they’re your clients, or because the content is great? Your answer could determine your like integrity.
I’ve been watching the online behavior this deceptively simple change has spawned, and how other sites and apps, such as Google+, LinkedIn and Instagram, have replicated it.
I’ve been mulling over the following question for a while: “What does it mean to have like integrity”?
Here’s here what I mean by that question. If you have like integrity, you’ll do the following:
1. Regardless of how many likes a post has, you click like, too.
For example, a photo on “DogsofInstagram” gets 8,902 likes in nine minutes, and you still like it because, “Aww shucks. Look at that husky puppy!” You want to share that you like the post, too.
2. When a stranger likes your photo, you go to his or her feed to reciprocate.
I call this “like karma.”
This can reveal a fundamental personality quality. Are you a generous spirit or a “like shnorrer?” (Look it up in a Yiddish dictionary.)
And don’t come back with, “Who has time to do this?” You’re active on the network, so be a good citizen. If you don’t have time to reciprocate, then bail out and watch another episode of that reality show, Busy Bob.
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