7 places you should never tweet from
As tempting as it is, please refrain from sharing your thoughts at these locations and events.

Let’s face it. It’s tough to be a Twitter addict. You find yourself oblivious to the outside world, buried in your phone, iPad or laptop tweeting feverishly. But there are certain places where nobody should tweet from.
1. The bathroom
I’m not sure about you, but this is kind of unnecessary, not to mention a little creepy. You wouldn’t talk on the phone (hopefully) while on the crapper, so why tweet from it?
2. Funerals
I can think of plenty of great places to live tweet, including conferences, breaking news events, webinars, etc. However, your friend or family member’s funeral is definitely not one of them. Get off the phone and pay your respects.
3. While operating a motor vehicle
I get it. You are a fantastic multi-tasker. Focusing on the road alone is boring, and you want to spice it up with some tweeting. Rest assured, it really is for the best to focus your undivided attention on the damn road unless you want to live tweet your impending car accident or worse.
4. The gym
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