8 essential questions for social media success
Anybody can open a Twitter account, but has your organization sorted out responsibilities to make it work well? Author and social media expert Christopher Barger offers guidance.

It’s easy to plunge into social media. Sign up for a Twitter or Facebook account, and you’ve got your own little Speakers’ Corner where you can bellow your message at a grateful public.
Before you start posting and interacting with your throngs of fans, Christopher Barger has some questions for you.
Barger is senior vice president of global programs at Voce Connect and a speaker at Ragan’s upcoming Best Practices in PR conference . He has led social media programs at Fortune 50 companies including General Motors.
So he has some ideas about what companies need to do to cultivate the social landscape, rather than letting it turn into a badlands where nobody’s in charge and feral customers prowl.
Often, Barger suggests, organizations will say, “‘OK, we need to do something in social. Let’s do a Facebook contest. Let’s do something on Twitter.’ … They’re all focusing on the tactics, or on just doing things for the sake of doing them.”
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