Personalized Marketing Campaign

With rapid iteration, Moment Marketing and AdventHealth offer personalized content

Responding in real time allowed the health care organization to use newsjacking in a targeted, timely manner, winning our award for “Personalized Marketing Campaign.”

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To raise the profile of its clinical practice and health care expertise, Advent Health decided to join the conversation around big health care stories on social media. Through “rapid iteration,” ensuring a news story could be turned around on a trending topic in as little as 48 hours, subject matter experts from AdventHealth shared insight on a famous actor’s recent heat attack or an athlete’s knee injury, for example.

The pieces of content could then be directly targeted to users through their social media platform of choice. While other outlets might focus on the shock factor, AdventHealth was able to educate audiences and drive traffic back to its website. Some stories that performed particularly well include commentary on Jeopardy host Alex Trebek’s cancer journey and information around the late Luke Perry’s stroke.

More than 3.5 million consumers were reached through detailed interest targeting, and in excess of 136k people clicked back to the AdventHealth website and a total of 155 stories shared to Facebook and Instagram.

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