Brazilian comic named most influential person on Twitter
Stop us if you’ve heard this one: New media mastery wins Rafinha Bastos the top perch. Never mind if you don’t get his humor.

Unless you read Portuguese, you may miss the humor in tweets like, “Valew pelos toques galera!”
But that apparently hasn’t prevented a recent flood of Anglophones from following Rafinha Bastos, a Brazilian comedian whom a recent study declared the most influential person in the Twitter universe.
In the wake of this finding, Bastos has gotten ink in places like The New York Times and Wired, which tweeted, “Who is @RafinhaBastos? And why is he the most influential person on @Twitter?”
According to Wired, Bastos playfully responded, “I’m Bin Laden after 45 surgeries (I kept the nose). If u guys want something from the king: DM.”
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