Get unstuck: 10 ways to obliterate writer’s block
The cartoonist Walt Kelly’s modest hero, Pogo, once said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” This is particularly true of writer’s block. Here’s how to defeat your most implacable critic.

You have something to write:
You are fully aware that this content will not write itself. You know the subject matter better than anyone, so you’re the right person—maybe the only person—for the job.
Still, you struggle. You show up at the page or screen, and nothing happens. Frustrated, you walk away. Later, you’re reluctant to go back. You find umpteen reasons to avoid writing.
But then what? Are you willing to see your project stall or stop? Is that even an option?
Probably not.
You can’t afford to stay stuck.
Some people call this “writer’s block.” But we need to kill that term.
Claiming “writer’s block” is an excuse, as if you’re a victim of some short- or long-term disability that keeps you from the page. Nonsense. What you’re facing is a temporary situation—a problem over which you have complete control.
Writing is my core business. And because I like steady revenues, I don’t have time for excuses or long lapses in my writing. If I’m feeling stuck or find myself in a state of chronic procrastination, I break the negative cycle by starting a positive one.
By taking action, I make myself “unstuck.”
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