Grammar quiz! Should these verbs be singular or plural?
Take this quiz to determine how well you grasp noun/verb agreement—and then stick around for some important lessons on the topic.

Want to take a test that might trip up your high school English teacher? In the following sentences, should the singular or plural verb be used?
None of the books she referenced (are) or (is) in the library.
Not sure of the answers? You’re not alone. Noun/verb agreement can trip up even experienced writers, particularly when indefinite pronouns or collective nouns are involved. Here are the answers and a few rules to go along with them.
Rules for indefinite pronouns
The following indefinite pronouns always take singular verbs:
These always take the plural:
And some take the singular or plural, depending on what they’re referring to:
With these pronouns, a general rule is to choose the singular verb when the pronoun refers to a singular word and a plural verb when the pronoun refers to a plural word.
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