Has targeting mommy bloggers become cliché?
The craze of getting these bloggers to write about your brand at any cost should end, argues this PR pro.

I don’t usually rant, but today I need to get something off my chest.
Targeting mommy bloggers has officially become cliché.
What do I mean by that statement?
I had a conversation recently with a friend of mine and great mommy (she’d probably prefer “lifestyle” blogger) about a pitch she received. The pitch involved some pretty nice tickets to a big event. I asked her how many pitches of this sort she typically received. She said about 10 a week.
Ten a week? That’s 40 a month and 480 a year (I know other bloggers who get many more).
We also talked about the kinds of pitches she typically receives. I started to note a common theme as she was rattling them off: most involve some sort of free product or giveaway.
Understandable, right? That’s sometimes needed to get bloggers’ attention. I get it. But, I see a few trends that have continued to raise an eyebrow for me in the last few months:
Do mommy bloggers have that much buying authority?
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