How 11 brands are reaching customers on Pinterest
Heard of Pinterest, but don’t understand how the social pin board site can help your company? Look at how these brands use it to reach current and new customers.

I’m always curious to see how brands use various platforms to engage their customers and fans. I’ve been scouting for early brand adoption examples on Pinterest, a new website that puts a digital spin on pin boards.
I wrote about how Pinterest is a great platform for personal use, but it seems like brands are starting to get in on the action as well.
Here are 11 real world examples of how brands can use Pinterest:
Business type: Online personal shopping portal/flash sale site.
Shop It To Me uses Pinterest to post curated-style inspiration from around the Web. It also has a board dedicated to its flash sales.
2. Klout
Business type: Measurer of online influence.
Klout uses Pinterest to post pictures of team/office events. It also has a board dedicated to Klout Perks. Klout Perks highlights the products and services that its members receive based on their digital influence.
3. Nordstrom
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