How to make your blog popular
You might not have won the popularity contest in high school, but it’s not too late for your blog.

Like anyone else, bloggers need love. For them, love comes in the form of site visitors who spend time consuming, sharing and commenting on the blog‘s content regularly.
So how do you make your blog hot? Here are 10 factors with related questions to help you make your blog a popular, happening social media entity.
1. Do you provide killer content? Strong stories with a beginning, middle, end and preferably a useful take-away, are critical because readers remember stories. Further, you need to continually add fresh content that’s focused on your niche. Use a variety of formats such as text, photographs, graphics, videos, charts and presentations. Corporate and group blogs have some flexibility because they can spread the workload across a team.
Do you have a regular schedule so readers know when you’re publishing? Do you add sufficient substance or is your writing nothing more than empty calories for readers?
2. Does your content address trending topics? Do you try to provide value by being the first to source information on a topic? Alternatively, do you add a fresh perspective or angle? Remember, me-too content that exists everywhere else is a yawn!
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