How to use Facebook groups for internal communication
The social network offers a free, familiar venue where staffers can connect, but follow this protocol before your organization dives in.
Facebook groups are a great way for people with a common interest to connect. Not common interest as in, “We Love Dogs,” but a common daily interest. In other words, there needs to be a reason to check out the group each day and something to talk about. Features such as polls, photos, events, chat and documents encourage collaboration and discussion. Companies can use Facebook groups to unite staff members in an interactive, accessible space.
Here are some guidelines for using Facebook groups for internal communications:
1. Make sure your company is right for Facebook
Many companies are jumping at the chance to use Facebook for advertising, marketing and more, and usually it is worth the effort. But for internal communications, there are important questions to ask before giving it a shot. Do your employees have access to computers? Are you OK with your employees checking their Facebook accounts at work for updates? Are you willing to get top management involved in the endeavor and set an example by joining and interacting? All of these questions should be considered before you start setting up the group.
2. Set guidelines
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