Is ‘whom,’ the ‘least favorite pronoun,’ dying out?
Should communicators join the celebration at the news that ‘whom’ is doomed?

If that was your reaction the last time you heard someone use the objective case of who, and especially if you chirped whom in a mock-English accent, it’s time to high-five your cube-mates.
The Atlantic, America’s 156-year-old intellectual journal, is throwing a preemptive wake for “America’s least favorite pronoun.”
“Whom, I am thrilled to inform you, is dying,” states staff writer Megan Garber. “But its death, I am less thrilled to inform you, has been slow.”
Judging from the “Amens!” in some parts of the Internet, I am among the few who will be mourning poor whom. Granted, she’s like a cranky old aunt who makes us feel guilty. Yes, she can make communications stuffy. I know: Language evolves, and if I can’t deal with that, why don’t I speak like the author of “Beowulf,” who wrote “hwám þæt sweord geworht” when he meant to say “for whom the sword wrought”?
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