‘Page One’: A documentary on The New York Times fails to impress
For PR pros hoping to learn how the paper functions, prepare to be disappointed.
Some things just don’t translate well from the page onto the screen, it seems.
In a rather meta task, The New York Times went ahead and reviewed the documentary, “Page One: Inside The New York Times,” on the inner workings of the newspaper. And as it turns out, the paper didn’t like it.
While the film does try to highlight the struggles major newspapers face in the Internet age, it “does little to illuminate that struggle, preferring instead a constant parade of people telling the camera how dreadful it would be if The Times did not survive,” according to reviewer Michael Kinsley.
The main problem, it seems, is a lack of focus. The documentary jumps around from topic to topic too quickly without delving into the issues, instead choosing to emphasize how important Times journalists believe it is.
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