PR guide reveals best practices for working with journalists
Sick of being ignored or snapped at when you pitch to reporters? Learn how to succeed from this guide from NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions.

Your story pitch should have been a no-brainer for that media outlet. It was right up their alley, as you clearly explained in that 800-word press release.
Yet the reporter never returned your phone calls, and bit your head off when you managed to catch him to ask if he’d gotten your email.
How to boost your chances of success next time around? Find out in a free guide for publicists, “What journalists want: How to build relationships, deliver remarkable content, get journalists to cover your organization, and ace a tough interview,” by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions and Ragan Communications.
Learn how to change your pitching approach. Optimize for search, drawing bloggers, reporters, editors, and producers to you and your quotable experts.
“Not making simple, obvious visual material available at the point at which you interest a journalist is kind of unforgiveable in 2014,” says Mark Jones, London-based Reuters global communities editor.
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