Recognition from peers drives engagement, survey shows
In a poll conducted by Oracle, colleagues have twice as much influence on engagement as that of managers. How can you use that information in your workplace?
Want to know how to engage employees?
Perhaps the best (and most obvious) answer is to ask the employees.
Oracle did just that. Results of its survey were recently published in Personnel Today. Here are the significant excerpts:
Who has greater influence on employee engagement?
What would most drive employee engagement?
Peers affect the engagement of others far more than even their own managers can. Knowing “what I do is noticed and matters to others” encourages an employee to increase productivity and serve customers better.
A strategically designed social recognition program can accomplish all these goals. Peers are encouraged to notice and appreciate the great work of their colleagues, giving managers and HR many more “eyes” to catch someone doing something good and praise them for it.
Such recognition should be detailed and specific, conveying how the recipient demonstrated a core value or desired behavior and how that effort helped the giver, the company or the customer.
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