Take a Taylor Swift approach to compelling content
Her lyrics draw her listeners in, making them central to the storyline. That’s what you can do with your brand marketing efforts. Just follow three steps.

I am a huge Taylor Swift fan. OK, granted, I’m not a huge fan of a lot of her music, but I am a fan of how she connects with her fans.
Like many successful rock stars, Swift purposefully seeks out her most passionate fans and creates amazing experiences for them. She endlessly shows her fans that she appreciates and, yes, even loves them.
The key to Swift’s success is that her fans can relate to her music. A lot of Swift’s songs are autobiographical, focusing on her life and her loves as a teenager. So, is it any wonder that teenage girls across the world absolutely adore her?
When they listen to Swift’s music, they can relate to her songs because they have had the same experiences. They hear Swift’s songs and think, “That sounds like what I went through!”
We gravitate toward content in which we can see ourselves
Swift’s music is so beloved by her fans because they can see themselves being the person that Swift is singing about. That makes it much easier to relate to and connect with Swift. So how do you apply this to your brand’s content marketing efforts, especially if your fans aren’t teenage girls?
You do the exact same thing Swift does: You create content that’s written from the point of view of your intended audience.
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