The 10 worst PR personalities
Here’s a catalogue of PR characters to stay away from, complete with warning signals and dire consequences, from an industry veteran who’s seen it all—from the inside.

One bad apple spoils the whole barrel, or so says the proverb.
PR will always have bad types, but how do you avoid being poisoned by one?
There are plenty of helpful articles on using PR agencies, but watch out for these 10 awful PR personalities both in and out of PR firms. Keep them in mind before you sign the dotted line. You’ll stand a greater chance of keeping your sanity and reputation intact.
1. Shallow PR pros
Kiss-kiss, mwah, mwah. It’s all absolutely lovely, darling.
This type of PR pro is 100 percent fake, has the depth of a birdbath. When they’re more concerned about how they look and insist on taking you to the most expensive restaurants―that you’ll end up paying for at billing time―they won’t deliver substance.
2. Sloths
They’ll get back to you—or so they say.
These loafers have to be chased for answers. They have no real passion or ambition, will never reach for the stars and are content to do the bare minimum. Blank of face and bleary of eye, they have the excitement of a day spent filing and voices that cure insomnia.
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