The 15 commandments of social media marketing
Follow these edicts rendered unto thee, lest thou be smitten and a plague fall upon thine agency. (No kidding—these are smart ideas.)

Instead, use the medium or media that can best convey your brand to your core target audience and move them to take a desired action. Often, and ideally, this involves different tactics working in concert, including social media, to get the optimum result.
So what would Moses say about social media? I’ll channel my best Charlton Heston voice to offer the following 15 commandments as a (tongue-in-cheek) guide for staying on the righteous path.
1. Thou shalt confirm a clearly articulated and agreed upon brand, including clarity of target audiences in order of priority.
2. Thou shalt have agreed upon business goals before creating social media campaigns—so is the law.
3. Thou shalt first empower your internal audience to live thy brand and be thy brand ambassadors.
4. Thou shalt create brand-centric social media campaigns that emotionally connect to your core target audience, or thou shalt perish in the wilderness.
5. Thou shalt always be authentic, credible, and transparent.
6. Thou shalt not confuse a communications vehicle or tactic with a marketing strategy upon risk of stoning.
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