The 7 deadly sins of content marketing
Though not exactly Sloth, Pride, and Avarice, these transgressions can undermine your best efforts. (OK, No. 2 has a measure of Pride in it.)

The following missteps might not condemn you to eternal hellfire, but they could land you in professional purgatory. Here are the gaffes to avoid:
Sin No. 1: Using your content to advertise products
This is the biggest sin that many brands are committing. Content marketing is not about selling; it’s barely about marketing. It’s about giving your brand a voice and personality. If you choose to become your own publisher, ignore your fundamental marketing instincts. They won’t help you.
Rather, look at the undertaking as a long-term investment like social media. Brands that “sell, sell, sell” on social media are not popular. But brands that communicate, engage, and have a tone on Facebook and Twitter are very popular. Leave the sales pitch at the office.
Sin No. 2: Trying to do it all by yourself
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