Tips for elevating your content marketing
Is your call to action lost on your website? Do you win execs over with pilot programs? And what can we learn from those potty-obsessed Charmin bears?

Editor’s note: This story is taken from Ragan’s new distance-learning portal The site contains more than 200 hours of case studies, video presentations, and interactive courses. For membership information, please click here.
Bears, one gathers, think endlessly about toilet functions—or so it seems from those Charmin bathroom tissue commercials.
Bears and humans apparently share a distaste for sitting on toilet seats that have been used by folks with the potty etiquette of preschoolers.
So, Charmin launched its SitOrSquat social application to help people lead each other to clean restrooms.
The app is highlighted in the RaganTraining video “A to Z: 26 things you must know about content marketing.” It is one of a Santa’s gift bag full of tactics, examples, and ideas delivered by Forsythe Technology’s Senior Communications Manager Matthew Royse.
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