Warning: Avoid the 7 deadly sins of blogging
Do you rant about others? Covet your competitor’s Klout score? Stop it. Read on for tips to right your wrongs.

Being human, bloggers have a propensity to commit blogging sins. But as a blogger, you have a responsibility to your readers, fellow bloggers and the public. While there’s no professional certification, bloggers have an implicit agreement to act within ethical guidelines.
Here are the seven deadly sins of blogging.
1. Wrath: Thou shall not rant about other people.
While blogs provide an easy-to-use publishing platform, you shouldn’t set up a blog for the sole purpose of complaining about an individual or business. Before you let the words stream straight from your brain to your fingertips, consider the long-term impact.
If you want to rant, put your ideas on paper and let them sit for at least 24 hours before you revisit them. Ensure there’s a foundation for your complaints because you don’t want to appear hot tempered on social media platforms. It’s much better to err on the side of caution because once it’s on the Internet, it’s there forever.
2. Greed: Thou shall not be a company shill.
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