What speakers should do if no one asks a question
It’s not good if your audience doesn’t ask any questions after your presentation. If this has ever happened to you, here’s how to ensure it never happens again.

When I coach speakers and presenters, the question I get most often is: What if you don’t get any questions after your presentation?
Let’s face it: A lack of questions is a bad sign.
But what does this mean, and what can you do to spark questions? Here are some possible reasons why your audiences don’t ask anything, as well as some solutions:
1. You pack too much into your presentation.
When you cover your topic like a blanket, you don’t leave much room for questions.
I’ve yet to work with a client who lacked material to deliver, and all of my trainees look for ways to create more room for their facts. But remember this: If you have a lot to say, save some facts for the Q&A.
You’ll look smarter and give your audience room to participate.
2. You don’t allow enough time for questions.
Some speakers manage to use up all the allotted time or fail to build in pauses during which they could engage the audience.
Your audience wants to do more than just applaud, as you’ll find out if you use the advantages of the speaker who allows extra time.
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