Why are there so few men in PR?
This PR executive offers four theories as to why fewer men work in public relations than women.

I haven’t worked on the client/agency side of PR now for almost four years. But when I did, I was typically one of a handful, and in a few cases, the only guy on my PR team.
I’m hardly alone. According to studies, nearly 85 percent of our industry is comprised of women. And among PRSA members, 73 percent are female.
Women will be quick to argue that men hold many leadership positions in PR, so the fact that they dominate in terms of sheer numbers means nothing.
However, when I look around the agencies here in the Twin Cities and elsewhere, I simply don’t see that. There are a number of great agency and corporate women PR leaders.
I’m not here to debate that topic, but I do wonder why so few men go into PR at an early age.
Here are a few theories:
There’s more money in other professions.
Unlike many women (sorry, blanket statement), men are driven by money and power. And PR simply doesn’t provide that like other industries do. I’m thinking of professional services like accounting and legal, and the medical profession. Men simply follow the money.
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