Why The Economist thinks PR pros have it wrong
An article details five things PR types get wrong when pitching reporters. The truth is: the author’s right. But it’s time to shift the conversation.

It’s that time of year when journalists get sick of PR professionals and lament about the industry in high-profile publications.
This time? The Economist.
The subject? The five things PR pros get wrong when “reaching out to journalists.”
The author lists:
1. Dear [[Firstname]]. Forgetting to do the mail merge when you send the blast email.
2. Dear Firstname. Having the journalist’s name in a different font or color.
3. Dear Ms. Lastname. Not knowing the gender of the person you’re emailing. (This isn’t hard to find with a quick Google search.)
4. The completely inappropriate pitch. We’ve covered that on Spin Sucks and Ragan.com a thousand times or more. Do your research. The media database companies are there only as a starting point.
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