10 amusing Twitter bios to inspire you
Looking to spice up your Twitter handle? Take a cue from these Twitter users—among them brands, celebrities, ad men, and more.

The challenge: You have 160 characters to explain who you are and what you’re about on a networking site that takes its brevity seriously. Most of us play it safe; for example, I offer: “Social media and content marketing specialist. Chicagoan.” But those who take the Twitter bio to the next level should be celebrated.
Here are 10 of the great ones among the accounts that I follow:
Ad man Tim Siedell has built a career out of being witty on Twitter, and his bio is characteristic of the wit you’ll find in his feed.
Skittles’ online voice and tone have become a source of inspiration for guys like me who write social media content for a living. Its Twitter bio is an example of the unique voice that helps make it so successful in the social space.
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