10 terms to avoid in business writing
Seeking clarity and power in your copy? Rid yourself of these verbal albatrosses.
In business-to-business writing, allowances should be made for poor word choices—except, that is, when it comes to these 10 unforgivable words. Whatever your industry, avoid these terms, because they are the fastest way to sabotage your message.
1. Really/very: Intended to add emphasis, superfluous words like really and very do little for copy other than take away its power. Think about it. Which comes across as stronger: “Our unique packaging keeps lettuce really fresh,” or, “Our unique packaging keeps lettuce fresh”? Remove these filler words from your copy, sales or otherwise, to make it more effective.
2. Learn: Just because you’re writing to businesses doesn’t mean your copy should require work to understand—and that’s just what readers will think when they see a word like learn. Learn connotes effort, just as studying did when you were in school. Try instead to communicate your message in a way that seems easy and understandable; your audience will appreciate it.
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