10 ways to know when a millennial becomes an adult
How to know if you’re on the verge of adulthood—whether you like it or not.

We know you’re old enough to be considered an adult.
But when you start to compare your lifestyle to other people in your hospital’s PR or communications department, do you ever feel like you’re faking it?
A lot of your co-workers are married, pop out babies, talk about their mortgage, worry about retirement, and spend their weekends at Little League practice.
You, on the other hand, are living the life of College 2.0. You still rent an apartment, stay out until 3 a.m. on Saturdays, and just recently mastered the art of boiling water (for your Ramen Noodles).
However, even though you haven’t hit the traditional milestones that signify adulthood, you might be starting down that path—whether you like it or not.
Here are 10 ways to know if you’re becoming an adult in the PR or communications field.
1. Finding a steady job—and something that you like. A lot of your friends might be stuck in a dead-end job or working on something they are passion-less about. This feeling of aimlessness will make them feel more childlike. Don’t fall into the trap. If you’re already thinking that you don’t enjoy your workday, it’s your responsibility to make the change.
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