12 most distinct Twitter follower types
Do you follow everyone who follows you? Do you have a strategy for determining who to follow? Do you have a protected account? See if you fit into one of these categories.

The more I use Twitter, the more I notice the variety of people using the platform, as well as their tendencies for sharing and interacting. Even something as integral and basic as following is performed quite differently by different people, depending on what they want to do on Twitter, their sense of fairness and etiquette and their working knowledge of the Twitter ecosystem.
I enjoy observing Twitter following tendencies, and I’ve noted that an individual’s following tendencies often give a sense of how that person will interact and tweet. For others curious about Twitter follower types, here are 12:
1. Reciprocal followers
These Twitter users behave with graceful simplicity—you follow them, and they’ll follow you back. Many reciprocal followers even identify themselves in their bios with the #TeamFollowBack hashtag. However, they will quickly unfollow you if you unfollow them.
2. Followers of the attractive
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