12 most remarkable words you should include in your vocabulary
If you haven’t used brouhaha, vexed or apropos lately, you should reconsider, according to this author. Do you agree with her?

The words we write and speak make us who we are. So, given the opportunity, shouldn’t you use remarkable words? Of course you should.
In order to help you become a more eloquent individual, I’m sharing 12 words with the definition, what word it can replace, and how you can use it in the real (social) world. I guarantee: If you can incorporate these into your daily vocabulary, you will be more remarkable too.*
1. Facetious
Definition: Supposed to be funny, intended to be humorous but often silly or inappropriate
It can replace: Sarcastic
Real world use: You may think your tweets are hysterical, but you’re just being facetious.
2. Verklempt
Definition: Yiddish, overcome with emotion; clenched; also written ferklempt
It can replace: Choked up
Real world use: Every time I see the picture of the panda hugging the police officer after the earthquake in China on Pinterest, I get verklempt.
3. Apropos
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