3 questions corporate communicators should ask
If you’re getting bogged down by a client or co-worker’s vision, this framework can help solve the problem you face.
Co-worker: “We need a flier.”
You: “A flier?”
Co-worker: “Yes. We need to get the word out about all the latest online courses we are offering. We want to create a flier to go with the membership renewal letters.”
You: “How many fliers are currently mailed with the membership renewal letters?”
Co-worker: “There are three other fliers.”
You: “So, this would be a fourth flier.”
Co-worker: “Yes.”
You: “And you want the flier to list the titles of the online courses that we currently have available?”
Co-worker: “Yes.”
You: “But you can go online and see an entire listing of the courses from the landing page?”
Co-worker: “Yes, but we still want a flier. Members ask us what courses are available.”
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