4 quick comms lessons from the parenting front
Look at the sunny side of messes, embrace your lack of total control, and don’t be afraid to let your colleagues cry it out.

Communicators don’t have it quite as tough as parents of small people, but there are similarities.
The crying, whining and tantrums. The messes and crises. The constant vigilance and scrambling to accommodate the whims of others. Dealing with hostile tyrants bent on getting their own way.
Moms and dads have it rough, too.
It’s all in a draining day’s work for both communicators and parents—the weight of which can quickly wear you down mentally and physically if you don’t protect yourself. If you’re feeling down, deflated or emotionally depleted, keep these four thoughts in mind:
You can’t respond to every scream. Sometimes, your colleagues just need to cry it out.
You can’t go and soothe every little bossy business baby every time there’s a complaint, “helpful suggestion” or “urgent” request out of nowhere.
Of course, some cries are a legitimate cause for swift action, but instead of just immediately acquiescing to every sniffle, give it a minute. Let them try to figure it out. Use your best judgment to determine whether what you’re hearing is a “Feed me now!” scream, or more of an “I’m bored and seeking attention” whimper.
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