4 things to know about having a social media career
If you want to succeed in the industry, you have to know more than just how to talk in 140 characters. A social media strategist shares her tips.

You can’t eat a meal without Instagramming it. You’re the Foursquare mayor of every room in your apartment. Once—a day you will remember forever—@shaq retweeted you.
Yep, you’re pretty much addicted to social media. Wouldn’t it be great if you not only got to use social media endlessly but also had the opportunity to design and implement creative campaigns and strategies—and get paid to do it?
It doesn’t hurt that “social media” is a buzzword in, well, pretty much every industry. That means the job market is full of companies looking to hire someone for their social media. It could be you. However, there are a few things you need to know first.
As the social media strategist at iAcquire, I’m going to dish some inside information on what you need to know about having a career in social media.
1. Understand different facets of social media careers.
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