5 ways hiding your social presence hurts you
Being on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites doesn’t help if customers can’t find you.
It’s 2011. Brands (or their representatives) are blogging, they’re tweeting, they’re Facebooking, they’re Foursquaring—in short, they’re joining the party. All signs point to the fact that they “get” it.
They understand the place social media has in their marketing efforts and the importance of giving customers the content they want, when and where they want it. And that’s great. Or you think it is until you hear that 56 percent of Fortune 50s are still hiding their social media activity.
What gives?
Over at Ad Age, B.L. Ochman shares some rather disheartening statistics about how forthcoming big brands are (or aren’t) with their social media involvement. It looks something like this:
I’ve got to say, it feels a little like they’re deliberately hiding from us. As much fun as it is to pick on big brands (mostly because they deserve it), they’re not alone. We’re often being introduced to small and mid-size businesses that make the same mistake. They dedicate resources to social media and then banish these accounts to their inside pages (if at all) so you need a master’s degree in Internet Stalking to find them.
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