5 words guaranteed to raise a smile
Unlike other words—ahem, moist—these will not make you shudder. They might even put you in a good mood.

This week, a Slate article on word aversion offered these statistics on “moist”:
“In a survey of 75 Mississippi State University students from 2009, moist placed second only to vomit as the ugliest word in the English language. In a 2011 follow-up survey of 125 students, moist pulled into the ugly-word lead—vanquishing a greatest hits of gross that included phlegm, ooze, mucus, puke, scab, and pus. Meanwhile, there are 7,903 people on Facebook who like the “interest” known as ‘I Hate the Word Moist.’ (More than 5,000 other Facebook users give the thumbs up to three different moist-hatred Facebook pages.)”
Of course, the world needs balance. So I’m going to share a few words that are almost guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. If you start to feel angry or otherwise dissatisfied at any point in the next 825 years, simply say one of the following words, and sweet, glorious, succulent happiness will be yours.
1. Muffin.
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