6 issues to watch in the early days of the second Trump administration

A flurry of executive actions illuminate the hot-button issues that will challenge communicators as President Trump takes office.

Mike Prokopeak is director of learning and Communications Leadership Council content.

A flurry of executive actions illuminate the hot-button issues that will challenge communicators as President Trump takes office

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you’ve likely heard about the on-againoff-again ban of TikTok. But that’s just one of several hot-button issues that will shape the communications agenda for the near future.

After his inauguration for a second term as U.S. President Monday, Donald Trump signed a flurry of executive orders that fulfill a number of his campaign promises. He rescinded 78 Biden-era orders, started the process to withdraw from the Paris climate treaty, implemented a freeze on federal hiring and issued an order to end birthright citizenship.

Some of the orders are of questionable legality and are likely to be tied up in courts, and others may end up having little long-term effect. But one certainty is the incoming president has set a new tone at the top of the U.S. government.

Here’s a partial list of issues that can potentially shape the communications agenda.

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