6 questions to drive your social media strategy
Self-identification and vision for the future form the foundation for your online networking presence. Read on for specifics that will help shape your process.
If you made ladders for a living and sold them to big chain stores, how much of your budget should you spend on social media marketing?
Should you step it up? (Sorry, sometimes I can’t help myself.)
This was a real question posed to me by a reader last week and as I walked her through the six key questions that lead to social media strategy I thought this would be useful information to share with you.
Undoubtedly, most companies should have a social media presence today. I recently wrote about these solid reasons in a post headlined: Why you need to be in social media even if the boss says no. I also covered some scenarios where you actually don’t need a social media strategy.
When I’m working with new clients, the roadmap basically boils down to following the line behind six essential questions. These are not easy questions, but if you really work it, your social media plan will become self-evident.
Here we go:
1. Can you finish this sentence? “Only we …”
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