7 mistakes you shouldn’t make on your LinkedIn profile
There are several reasons your profile is a mess: Lack of involvement in groups, a paucity of recommendations, and plain, old neglect to name a few. Oh, and ditch that photo of you at the monster truck rally.

In the age of personal brand marketing, it’s just not OK to let your LinkedIn profile sit collecting Internet dust until you’re ready to look for your next job.
If your profile isn’t current, or if it communicates indifference, not only are you likely missing career-transforming opportunities, but you could also be giving people the wrong impression. Most important for marketers, a stale profile means you’re losing out on the chance to build thought leadership clout and keep your company’s brand top of mind.
Here are seven reasons your LinkedIn profile might be coming across as a social media mess.
1. Your headshot was taken at a BBQ.
Your LinkedIn photo should make potential employers or business partners feel comfortable with you immediately. Would you show up for a business meeting, beer in hand? Would you wear a strapless party dress? Not likely. Your photo should express “relaxed and at ease,” yes, but make it an energetic, in-your-element, confidence-exuding ease.
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